
Showing posts from October, 2018

Future of- sports in India...

Many people wants India to succeed in sports but very few of them plays any sport or motivates their relatives for sport. One of the major thing we have to do to change this mentality is to promote more sports and give our existing athletes a better lifestyle than they are currently having. Awarding athletes after they have won a medal should not be the main motivation, but rather helping them in building world class skills by providing facilities, diet and coaches etc. at the time of their training. Future of the sports if current trend is followed is not looking so good as people are not willing to take a risk in sports as government is not funding the sports treasury as it should be. Money is an important factor when it gets to sports that need expensive equipment, but as the department is under funded, the impact of which is shown in the medal tally of any sporting event. We are doing well at least in some sports, so the hope is not totally gone, but to save the light of hope we ...

Aadhar- Let's Talk!

Let's talk about a topic that generally results in a heated arguments everywhere it is discussed. Let's Talk about Aadhar. Aadhar tag lined as "Aam aadmi ka aadhikar (Right of a common man)" was a policy of creating unique identity for the poeple in India and since day one of it's announcement its been a topic of criticism by some and a thing to brag about Indian government and their policies by some. No doubt Aadhar is a great idea but like many other government schemes it was rushed into without giving any deep thing and hence was not properly implemented. The data breach and all things like this related to Aadhar has been in a great controversy after the supreme court judgement in the month of September 2018. Some profs has been shown to the court that it's not breaching any data to anyone and the data is secure but supreme court concluded in a long page of documents most prominent of conclusion being UIDAI, the authority actually responsible and maintains...