The Friend Zone

                                                 Why are you there and how to get out of it!!!

Greetings, I am Dhananjay Dhawan from Being El Macho and today we are talking about the dreaded FRIENDZONE. What it is ? How you get there and how to get out of it! Now the term Friendzone refers to a 'platonic' relationship where one person wants to get freaky and other doesn't . Have you ever heard the phrase ' But I dont wanna ruin what we have ' or ' You are like a brother to me ' . This unfortunately is code for ' I think you are a cool dude but I am not sexually attracted to you ' . Does this mean you are not a good looking dude?....NOO , this means that somebody else isnt gonna find you totally irresistibly attractive ? absolutely not!! . This simply means that this specific person doesnt wanna actually have intimate relationship with you . Now this is a tough pill for some men to swallow . In reality they dont wanna accept , instead of accepting your relationship fate you hv got guys out there that are totally hung up for months , years  , viable dating months and years I must add . Totally hung up on this one individual person that will never reciprocate your feelings. 

I am not here to blow  smoke up your little Kiester , the fact is that if a woman use you as a friend , strictly a friend and she is not attracted to you then there is nothing you can do about it. The sooner you accept that reality and MOVE ON the better off you are going to be and I know someone of you right now are super pissed off at me because i dont understand you and old sisterhood will be perfect together if she gave you a chance . The best you can hope for is  drunken kiss after a night of her sobbing and talking your ear off because some asshole just broke her heart . Unfortunately this kiss or hook up will only deepen in your frustration and angst becuz the next day she will A) REGRET THE KISS , B)FEEL TERRIBLE ABT HERSELF which will cause C) AVOIDING YOU LIKE A PLAGUE . You will misread this drunken hookup and be even further devastated when she stops returning your calls and texts . So does this mean that having an attractive friend that you would like to sleep but they want to sleep with you is a bad thing ?...NO cuz attractive friends  have attractive friends . And the more you hang around , stick around , be cool  and  dont be all creepy , the higher the likelihood that you are actually going to mix , mingle and meet these attractive friends if you play your cards right .

Here is how I would recommend playing your hand. Once you realize the fact that the other person is not going to reciprocate your romantic feeling then accept the fact , alright? This doesnt mean dont be her friend , be cool , hangout when she wants to but dont be pathetic . This is a time to maintain your dignity and self-respect. Move On and find someone who actually reciprocates your romantic feelings. Because lemme tell you one thing....nothing says UNSEXY, UNAPPEALING than a dude that doesnt get it. He doesnt takeNO for an answer . He is like...' Owwhh pls...I love You' and she's like 'Cmon dude..I AM NOT INTO YOU' . Dont sweat bro, its time to get your flirt on. You Flirt , You Meet , You Date and you are gonna know pretty early on whether or not this relationship is going to end up in a romantic scenario and if not quite frankly then try to sail on another boat . Dont spend more time or money on this little senorita and its time to move on to the next. Being in the friendzone sucks but it sucks even more if you dont accept it for what it is . Acknowledge the fact that this person is not interested in sleeping with you , not in this lifetime. But its okay..dont get upset cuz someone out there thinks you are a sexy  motherfu....( u know that)and now go out and find her. And if you are not the confidence sexy beast i know u can be then come and visit my blog.

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