
Showing posts from March, 2016

A little Announcement!!!

                              Not Taking Much of your time Our new email is now working... If you have any ideas or you wanna see blog solving your own problem just tell us at !!! We'll soon be posting new blogs. Thanks for reading and don't forget to email us!!! See you soon with more stuff....                                                (Just remember Don't forget to read our old blogs for some great tips 😉

How to start a conversation

                  4 Great Conversation Starters SMALL TALKS....The key to managing the act of conversing with new people. Small talk is a critical component of interpersonal interaction. Like it or not , we need small talks . To make it more interactive we are gonna relate small talks to a BOXING MATCH . When u meet somebody new you just dont go in there with an 'uppercut' . You dont tell them about your 'therapy sessions' or your working or crazy thoughts going inside your mind ....NOO...Thats like 3rd conversation . You have to feel him/her out like a boxer. YEAH..what do they do initially?..They dance...Throw a little jabs here and there . They are not gonna knockout each other in the begining itself , but they are peppering . You are peppering them with punches , metaphorically speaking. Conversations are the same way you gotta dance first and small talks is the non-violent equivalent of peppering them with punches . So as this in...

You are the next EL MACHO

                                                    BEING EL MACHO          GENTLEEMMENNN......We would like to welcome you to the BEING EL MACHO blog....Now I am just gonna throw it out there ' I WANT YOU TO SAVE THIS BLOG AS A BOOKMARK'...but you are probably asking yourself ' WHY SHOULD I?'..great question..lemme tell you whyyyyy....Becuase I am gonna help you to be a little more awesome. Being El Macho is all about developing confidence and you get yours . Each week I am gonna post 3 blogs all focused on helping you feel amazing about yourself and being a better dude. Being El Macho is all about men's lifestyle . Here we are talking about STYLE , GROOMING , RELATIONSHIPS , ETIQUETTES and anything else that I feel would help you to maximize your personal  potential . On this blog  we are keeping it SUPER ...

Welcome to Being El Macho

GREEETTIINNGGSS , humans....' OH look ...She seems to be so beautiful but I am too scared to talk'...' How should I approach a woman without being creepy'....'She only wants a GENTLEMAN but how can i be one?.....Oh GOD..HELLPP'....Cmon now..stop it you fool . Why are u troubling GOD for such small petty things?...To solve all your problems related to HOW TO BE A PROPER GENTLEMAN and your lovey dovey quarrels between you and your sweet little 'BAE' , I , Dhananjay Dhawan ( @gagmangentleman) and my partner in crime Subrat Srivastava ( @littlesushyperson) have taken this humongous responsibility on our very own shoulders in order to give you tips n tricks ( cheat codes for all the gamers out there) to  all your problems related to relationships and being an alpha male. Soo guys.....Brace yourself...Cuz the BAD GUYS are coming to make you GOOD!!!