Cashless Economy- Let's Talk!

As we go into the digital age, it's time to Let's Talk about a topic that everyone is excited about but no one knows for sure that it;s good or bad. It will include some pros and con and we will dive deep into the "Cashless Economy" good for India or not.
Let's talk about some merits of cashless economy...
Firstly and most importantly we will be directly targeting the people with black money and according to me they are the main reason we are so far away from being a cashless economy. But keeping it aside we can keep a track of how money is being circulated and control it from being used in some wrong way! Also terrorism can be a thing of past if they have no money to buy weapons with.
Secondly more people will be forced to use newer and newer technology hence bringing the goal for a digital India more nearer than before. Obviously next step from digital India will be cashless economy, as we can't be cashless if the most far back people of our country are not connected to the digital world.
If we go step by step towards our goal of educating the masses, then digital India after that only we can become a true cashless economy. But like any other problem solution is not so simple and easy, their will be challenges and obstacles but let's ask ourselves, is their anything in this world that can be achieved without these two?
And as always thanks for reading

There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.
~ Jawaharlal Nehru
(Indian freedom fighter)

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