First Think, Then Speak!

                                     Keep It In mind!!


This should be the mantra for your life that "First Think, Then Speak!", cause anyone likes a person who knows what is he speaking rather than someone who speaks complete nonsense. It's okay if you you speak less but speak sensible! rather speaking more rubbish...
It is obvious that anyone can know how you are with the way of your speaking and understand what you are capable of! I don't say it is the complete truth, but whatever anyone says first impression is the last impression!! You should not judge a person by his way of dressing or the way he looks but you can do so by the way he speaks..
In this article we will talk about what you should look in a good speaker and how to be a good speaker as this develops your personality in overall!! and also what to do if you get nervous while speaking...
1. Qualities of a good speaker...
First of all a good speaker have the knowledge about what he is speaking and what the person in front of him is interested in listening.. As a good speaker is nothing if anyone don't want to hear him!
Secondly, even if he is having a little knowledge about the topic a good speaker will always know when he has to stop as he can be wrong in his context...
Last and the most important one, to be a good speaker you should know how to deliver the words and play with the mind of the person sitting in front of you... You should understand on the spot by the reaction of everyone that are you speaking sense?? As sometimes what is sensible to you others might find boring!!!
You should have that skill to read someones mind at the moment... And believe me if you learn these no one will better than you in speaking!!
2. What should you do to become one...
Becoming a good speaker is not easy but it is not difficult either...
First you should know well in advance that what you are speaking... The content should all be arranged in order and you should must have practiced in your mind!! 
If you want to improve standing in front of mirror and talking to yourself will be the best as no one knows better than you what you are capable of!
While speaking you should keep in mind only one thing, that is the moto of your speech this will help you to focus on the topic and speak more efficiently. If you are shy or become nervous while speaking I will only say one thing first face yourself in the mirror then go for the others...
If you are nervous for talking to any person then my friend you need to open up!!!!
Overall if you practice facing yourself you can be the best speaker that was ever was or will be!!

Thank you for reading
This is for Beingelmacho
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