How to know if some like you?

                                What if someone likes you?


Liking someone is a natural thing but it somewhat becomes awkward when you don't know the feeling of the person whom you like... In this post I'll try to tell you what will be the signs or changes someone will have if they start liking you...! Hope so it'll be of a great help to you....
Let's first talk about what will be the change in the person's ways of talking if they have a secret crush on you...!
First of all they will start asking more personal questions about you and will become  eager to talk to you more frequently, they will also tell you more about how their whole day went, about their friends and family etc etc... Seeing at the first anyone will think that trust, but in 90% of the cases it's about like... Sometimes they also try to avoid making contact with you also as they are not sure what you'll say!!! And most of all they will be nervous around you... Many people take this stage of liking thinking that it's just the person is more concerned about you and trust you the most... But haven't someone told you that trust is foundation of any relationship!!! I'm not saying that good friend don't behave like this or something but you'll understand when the seed of liking is inside the other person... If you are not getting that feeling then my friend I think you have to star looking for someone else!! If you wanna try it give it a final shot before quiting you should go and ask their friends and look weather they like someone else or not...
It's not that liking will be their but you'll get a sign from the one who have crush on you...
If you wanna propose to someone, then I'll advice you to directly go to the person and ask them out. Cause waiting is not an option!!!
If you wait God knows what happen... I thing is for sure if you are very good friend of someone and like them also you should go and ring the bell because their are people more than you think who wants the person in their life...
How to ask out is a different thing as that will depend on the nature of the person... Their will be many chances to ask it's just a matter of fact which one you make full use of!!!
Most people don't tell their feeling at once on their liking towards you no matter hoe much they share their thoughts or feeling with you related to other matter...
At last it all depends on you that how much pain you are ready to get the person who you like in your life....

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