Friends W/ Your Ex!

                                     CAN YOU STILL BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR EX?

Lets talk about this.....You have been dating somebody for a little while and you aren't feeling it anymore . So what do you do?.....It is time to let him down ,her down or whoever you are dating . So you are like..."HEY, it's been great , it's been fun but it's not you but me and i can hope we can stay friends.' Well let us flip the script . You are the one getting canned , you think everything is roses but the other person comes to you one day and asks just to stay friends.......FRIENDS? and you re like....'FRIENDS?.....I already got friends , I wanna make some sweet love could u do this?'
Sounds familiar?..No?..Just me?.....okay!!! Do you know how many ex-girlfriends I am friends with.....ZERO!! Not that I am opposed to it but it just doesn't work out . Moreover, it is not practical and it is not realistic. Usually when a break up occurs one person wants it more than the other and the person who wants it is always the one saying 'Hey, we can still be skin off my back and you get to watch as i go and screw your friend' . 

You broke up with the person for a reason , you are just not compatible and if you are compatible you will still be in a relationship and the way it works in movies where it appears like...' let us stay friends' and they actually do , this is not reality for a bunch of reasons. Mainly, cuz it is just so silly!!! You got enough friends , somebody u have had a relationship with and had an intimate connection with for however long it was is not somebody u are gonna go and hangout in the park...get my point??.

 So maybe you did maintained a friendship after broke up and I am gonna assume that you are now dating someone else . Is it fair to he new person that you are dating?...absolutely not! I am gonna out and say to the women that nobody wants to date somebody that are best friends or closer friends etc. etc. with their ex, right? It is just weird and awkward and you are supposed to be committing and invested in this new relationship. Cuz if you are friends with your ex girlfriends then u know you are gonna get probed, you are gonna get questioned and u get to answer ' Hey, why did you broke up with her?' and you are saying that she was horrible not that she 'crushed' you . Now , you have to deal with she being insecure or comparing herself to your ex and if you are still friends then it is gonna be much worse.

Then you get in an argument with your current partner and go blabber about it to your ex that is your friend #awkward another NO-WIN situation . The way I see it there is no reason to be friends with your exes . There might be people out there saying that ' NOO, u r wrong . I am best pals with my ex , shes great , shes awesome..blah ..blah..blah..' well somebody is lying to someone. There are consequences of being friends with your exes , in my experience , in yours? who knows? I had say it is not in the cards but I have been proven wrong before.

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