
Showing posts from 2016

Commit Fully To Someone.

                            Giving it a second thought??                                                            ~Beingelmacho STEP  1 Determine what kind of commitment you want to make to the one you love. Consider what you expect from yourself and from your partner. For example, if you want to commit to your partner, but aren't ready for marriage, an engagement or moving in together, you might consider committing to spend more time together with your families to determine whether you can see yourselves starting a family of your own. It's important to determine exactly what your commitment will look like before agreeing to it. STEP  2 Communicate with the one you love regarding your ideas about commitment. Find out his views on commitment ...

Time Management

Are you having in difficulty in managing your time? This blog will surely help you to do it. If you find it useful then please share and give us your feedback at HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TIME???? “It’s not the hours you put in but rather what you put in those hours.” Time is the scarcest resource, so here we are to give you some tips on how you can manage your time more effectively…You need time to get what you want out of life. So in this post we will discuss basic techniques and skills that will allow you to gain more time throughout the day!!! Hope it will be of great help for you…! Time management is a huge part of managing yourself. If you cannot manage time and won’t manage your limited resources, how do you plan to achieve your goals? I find that learning to manage time helps to discipline yourself. So it is very important to manage your time. SECRET OF TIME MANAGEMENT  Plan  Organize  Control TECHNIQUES AND SKILLS FOR TIME MANAGEMENT List d...

Don't think too much!

Have you ever thought why your work goes wrong even when you plan that thing very well according to you?? Was their a problem with your plan or something else...? Definitely something was wrong..! What was that? We will try to know about this in the post and I wish by the end of this post you will learn something about smart planning ! Planned things going wrong??? Sometimes thinking too much can also get you in trouble, it's true that by over thinking you never decrease your problems instead you create some new ones for yourself. You get yourself into situations that you have created for yourself!! This definitely is a bad problem and it's not easy to change this habit, so what can we do to overcome this?? First of all let me tell you a fact that 90% things your mind processes in a day are about those thing for which you can do nothing or to which you have no control and you can not change it!! Isn't that strange?? Always remember hard work only pays when it...

Be yourself!

Many a times we have seen some people that do stupid things thinking that it makes them cool, sometimes knowingly/unknowingly we also have done many things like this. In this section we will put some light on simple topics as in why or how to be yourself! Hope so it will be of a great use to you.                          Being yourself   Why to be yourself. I will give you the biggest reason to support this statement i.e. no one is better than you. In this life you should do everything but should never doubt your capabilities, you should always take your defeat as the good luck of the winner, their is nothing out their that can stop you if you start to be yourself today. Don't try to live anyone else's life, make yourself such that people start to be like you. Your time is limited so make the full use of it as you have what you have for a reason, their is no need for any super power to fulfill your purpo...

How to express your LOVE?!

                                          Expressing Love<3                                                                               ~ beingelmacho Have you ever thought that you will tell the feelings of your heart to someone but failed? Are you not sure how or when to express your feeling? I am sure that at the end of reading this blog you will be able to...! As in this post I will discuss with you that how to build your confidence while expressing your thoughts to someone... It's not easy and definitely not possible all the time that the person in front of you understand what you want to say, rather they may take it very lightly, you may think that nothing can h...

First Think, Then Speak!

                                     Keep It In mind!!                                                                                                  ~beingelmacho This should be the mantra for your life that "First Think, Then Speak!", cause anyone likes a person who knows what is he speaking rather than someone who speaks complete nonsense. It's okay if you you speak less but speak sensible! rather speaking more rubbish... It is obvious that anyone can know how you are with the way of your speaking and understand what you are capable of! I don't say it is the complete truth, but whatever anyone says first impression is the last impressio...

How to know if some like you?

                                What if someone likes you?                                                                       ~Beingelmacho Liking someone is a natural thing but it somewhat becomes awkward when you don't know the feeling of the person whom you like... In this post I'll try to tell you what will be the signs or changes someone will have if they start liking you...! Hope so it'll be of a great help to you.... Let's first talk about what will be the change in the person's ways of talking if they have a secret crush on you...! First of all they will start asking more personal questions about you and will become  eager to talk to you more frequently, they will also tell you more about how their whole day we...

How do girls catch your lies?

ARE YOU TELLING THE TRUTH? HAHA!                                                                                             ~beingelmacho This blog is divided in two sections 1. The girls view and 2. The boys view... 1.   The girls view Ever wondered how on earth did your girl find out about night out with friends you were strictly not supposed to go without her? Or the side chick you’re entertaining for fun? Well buddy you’re not the only one who is facing such a crisis. Girls are Sherlock Holmes reborn and reloaded. Perhaps an upgraded version! See first of all a gentleman never lies. If you have to lie about something then you must avoid doing it.. That is what true chivalry is but unfortunately we all know how dead this concept i...

How to flirt without being creepy..!!?

                                                                                                                       FLIRT GAME ONNN!!!!!! Gentlemen , I am Dhananjay Dhawan from Being El Macho and today we are hooking up all the single dudes up cuz today its all about FLIRRTINGGG..!! How to do it without being creepy? Cuz there is a fine line between coming across as charming and cute and looking like a guy that will ultimately will be rifling through their underwear drawer searching for something to sniff . Alright ...Flirting , now we are start by discussing flirting from a real world perspective meaning you are actually flirting in person and not technology based . Let...

How to forget your ex??

                                                Having difficulty in forgetting your ex??                                                              ~beingelmacho Forgetting you ex or what we call as moving on is very very difficult for some people... The most common questions or believes they have in mind is "Was I not good enough, so he/she left me??" "I will not get anyone better!!" "That person was everything for me...", if you are doing this believe me they don't deserve it!!! They left you without giving a valid reason or anything else but they left you!!! Now you can't do anything. Wanting them again in your life will be the biggest mistake you'll be doing once more, cause how can you trust s...


                                How much attention to give?                                                                                              ~beingelmacho Every thing is dangerous if it's taken/given in excess....!!! Same goes for the art of giving attention! If you want someone in your life, the most important thing that needs to be learned is that you should give that person some space!!!! And believe me sometimes it's the most difficult part of any relationship.... But no worries my friend if you are suffering from the same problem or any other which is related to seeking or giving attention I'll try to resolve it till the end of this article. Giving at...


                               What Do Women Want! MYSTERY SOLVED FINALLY!!! Girls are a mystery It is nearly impossible to understand women Females are confused souls The above mentioned statements are a myth and rather very stereotypical in nature. Yes you got it right. IT’S A STEREOTYPE. Just coz you men folks are not witty enough to understand the female species you termed us “impossible” . Well don’t worry this article here is all about:  What a woman really seeks in her man. First of all it is very important for you guys to know there is no such thing like SOCEITAL CONSTRAINTS or CONSERVATIVE FAMILY TYPE   or STUDY PRESSURE in our lives. These are some of the polite excuses to brutally reject you. If a girl is really into you and sees potential in you, she’ll date you.. No matter what. Now the question is – How do I attain the potential? Well its easy and trust me ...

How to start a conversation (Part-2)

                              " Starting from the start " Greetings blog readers!!!! As it is rightly said that first impression is the last impression, the first time we interact to a person counts the most... First conversation is just a starting, and a great start will always end into a successful finish! Many people will agree that they hesitate on the first meeting with their crush, they run out of words and so on... So if you are having any such problem my friend you are at the right place. Firstly the most important thing "NEVER EVER LET YOUR FEAR TAKE THE GAME" You have to be confident in the way you present yourself and how you talk. It's not hidden that girls like to be complimented on appearances so you have to keep in mind that the compliment you make should be good and she should not feel kind of cheap............................  Well you can compliment her hai...

Friends W/ Your Ex!

                                     CAN YOU STILL BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR EX? Lets talk about this.....You have been dating somebody for a little while and you aren't feeling it anymore . So what do you do?.....It is time to let him down ,her down or whoever you are dating . So you are like..."HEY, it's been great , it's been fun but it's not you but me and i can hope we can stay friends.' Well let us flip the script . You are the one getting canned , you think everything is roses but the other person comes to you one day and asks just to stay friends.......FRIENDS? and you re like....'FRIENDS?.....I already got friends , I wanna make some sweet love could u do this?' Sounds familiar?..No?..Just me?.....okay!!! Do you know how many ex-girlfriends I am friends with.....ZERO!! Not that I am opposed to it but it just doesn't work out . Moreover, it is not practical and it is not...

The Friend Zone

                                                 Why are you there and how to get out of it!!! Greetings, I am Dhananjay Dhawan from Being El Macho and today we are talking about the dreaded FRIENDZONE. What it is ? How you get there and how to get out of it! Now the term Friendzone refers to a 'platonic' relationship where one person wants to get freaky and other doesn't . Have you ever heard the phrase ' But I dont wanna ruin what we have ' or ' You are like a brother to me ' . This unfortunately is code for ' I think you are a cool dude but I am not sexually attracted to you ' . Does this mean you are not a good looking dude?....NOO , this means that somebody else isnt gonna find you totally irresistibly attractive ? absolutely not!! . This simply means that this specific person doesnt wanna actually have intimate relationship with yo...

How To Be More Confident On Dates

                                                           4 Dating Confidence Hacks Dating.....The seductive dance two people do , an attempt to find MR. or MRS. RIGHT or MR.RIGHT NOW. You are a man among men and you are gonna make some lucky lady or dude whatever you are happy into one day. But , first you have to up. For some dating is like a sporting event , to others its like going on a big game hunt. But, instead of some wild boar you are hunting for a spicy senorita. However, for most dating is daunting, nerve-wracking and at times scary. So, today I thought I'd go over 4 DATING CONFIDENT HACKS to help you to put your most confident foot forward.  Dating confident hack #1 ; Find your PERFECT OUTFIT. Do you have that outfit that one afternoon  when you put it on you are like ...'''YO , I know i look good and that is ...

How To Text Like A Gentleman .

                                                    TEXTING LIKE A REAL MAN. First of all our sincere apologies for such a delay . Now without further ado, lets get back to our program on how to be an 'el macho'. Our cell phone has become so engraged that its very hard to imagine life without it. We are more attached to our cell phones than any of out vital organs. KIDNEEYS i hv two of them , u  can hv one but my cell phone???... no no..Pause off bro!! Our phones have become extensions of what who we are as a society and define us as a culture. Cell phones is how we entertain ourselves , express ourselves and keep ourselves updated and most importantly .Well gentlemen im gonna tell u today how u text like a GENTLEMAN. With 10 TEXTING TIPS. Tip #1 ; Never send a BAD NEWS or break up with someone via Text. Be a man handle your buisness accordi...

A little Announcement!!!

                              Not Taking Much of your time Our new email is now working... If you have any ideas or you wanna see blog solving your own problem just tell us at !!! We'll soon be posting new blogs. Thanks for reading and don't forget to email us!!! See you soon with more stuff....                                                (Just remember Don't forget to read our old blogs for some great tips 😉

How to start a conversation

                  4 Great Conversation Starters SMALL TALKS....The key to managing the act of conversing with new people. Small talk is a critical component of interpersonal interaction. Like it or not , we need small talks . To make it more interactive we are gonna relate small talks to a BOXING MATCH . When u meet somebody new you just dont go in there with an 'uppercut' . You dont tell them about your 'therapy sessions' or your working or crazy thoughts going inside your mind ....NOO...Thats like 3rd conversation . You have to feel him/her out like a boxer. YEAH..what do they do initially?..They dance...Throw a little jabs here and there . They are not gonna knockout each other in the begining itself , but they are peppering . You are peppering them with punches , metaphorically speaking. Conversations are the same way you gotta dance first and small talks is the non-violent equivalent of peppering them with punches . So as this in...